Tuesday 19 June 2012

ONCA beauty supplement trial

 This week, Lady C will be trying out the latest craze in beauty supplements: Onca. The “beauty & energy” mix is designed to be taken twice a day – in the morning to cleanse and detoxify, and in the evening to support the body’s nightly recovery ritual. Boasting no fewer than 21 all-natural ingredients from the exotic to staple heroes like Acai, Onca is has a fair few benefits up it’s glossy sleeve. 

Here goes… boosts collagen, increases skin elasticity, improves hair, teeth, bone and nail health, speed metabolism, supports the immune system, increases energy and concentration, regulates digestion, protects cardiovascular health… phew. Is there anything it doesn’t do?!

More to the point, this super-exclusive supp (it will only be sold to 3,000 people, to maintain production ethics) is apparently mega-tasty – we’ve heard mutterings of “chocolate replacement” being bandied about…

Well. We shall leave that accolade to yours truly to deliver.

Watch this space, darlings – the proof will be in the (healthy alternative to) pudding!

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