Friday 8 June 2012

New Sisleya Anti-Ageing Body Treatment

Since opening its legendary doors in 1898, Claridges has been the discerning traveller’s hotel de choix, and their iconic roof-top spa has long been on the spa-lover’s map – all the moreso since this year’s partnership with pioneering botanicals brand Sisley.

The spa’s latest addition is the Sisleya Anti-Ageing Body Treatment – aka a month’s worth of Pilates in just ninety minutes. This is the lazy girl’s answer to that phrase beloved by trainers everywhere: “time to tone up?”

Focused on tightening problem areas such as inner arms and buttocks, a unique firming massage sequence visibly reduces skin slackening, while exclusive Phyto-Aromatic body oil eliminates toxins and energises skin. With circulation stimulated, the body is left with a younger, more toned, appearance. Without so much as breaking a sweat. Et voila. 

Now. While Lady C doesn’t endorse going sans gym, this is a must for pre-holiday regimes, or for those needing a little boost as they begin a weight-loss campaign. Oh, sod it – there’s reason enough for us all to book in!

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