Tuesday 10 July 2012

ONCA trial results

Darlings, I promised I would tell you how I got on with ONCA. And since yours truly always delivers, here goes..

The thing with ONCA, though, is that it's very difficult to measure. I didn't loose inches, run a marathon, or grow my hair past my knees. What I did notice, however, was a feeling of extreme well-being. Things that I hadn't noticed before suddenly became noticable by their absense. I no longer felt the constant ache of fatigue, for example, My nails felt stronger (or was that just my imagination?!), and the inevitable 4pm bloat never came.

ONCA is the sort of supplement that could happily co-exist in your daily life, along-side any other supplements you choose to take. It is not as concentrated or as results-driven as a detox, but the anti-oxidant benefits are similar.

I really think seeing (or indeed feeling, in this case) is believing - give it a go, darlings. Think of it like Berocca, but without the fluorescent wee..

And if you don't see results, at least you can say you've been one of 3,000 try-ees..

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