Wednesday 25 July 2012

Aromatherapy Associates Facial

It is difficult to describe the utter comfort and super-human results that come as standard with an Aromatherapy Associates treatment - you'd need the tactile equivalent of smelly telly just to get started. But I'll do my best… 

So, the nice thing about an AA treatment is that you're not backed into a corner when you book weeks in advance by having to specify your chosen ritual. Instead, you talk through exactly how your skin has been feeling and behaving over the past few days on arrival, highlighting areas of concern for your therapist to focus on. It means the treatment is totally bespoke and you don't waste time having a mask, massage or melt (tenuous, I know) that frankly your skin doesn't need. 

Obviously, the whole experience is simply divine. But what really tickled my fancy, darlings, is the magical bed. With its sumptuous duvet and squiggly mattress, it feels more like you might be going for a nap than a treatment. And it just keeps getting better. Inexplicably, the bed forms the perfect wiggle underneath you in the exact shape your body secretly craved without even telling you. You begin to wonder how you've ever before been comfortable without this robbo-bed. This is a see (or feel)-it-to-believe-it jobby. 

Aside from the genuinely results-driven treatment (my blemishes have literally packed their bags and left since my deep-clean facial yesterday), the whole experience is all about the details. You're treated to any number of upper-body massages, from head and shoulders to hands and arms, maximising your time as a treatment mask sets. And once in the post-treatment vanity room, there are ghds, hairdryers, and massive mirrors - it'd be rude not to preen! 

We tried out our technical expertise and booked through, which is an online interactive directory for where to go and what to do. Kind of like Facebook for beauty. Fabulous.

T: 020 7838 1117,

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